Science Vision

​As a school our intent for teaching Science is rooted first and foremost in following what is laid out in the national curriculum. Our curriculum is designed to give effective scaffolds to ensure all learning provides each child the opportunity to be successful within each science lesson, with an overall aim to meet age related expectations. Each lesson gives children the opportunity to develop their speaking, listening and understanding in relation to science. Preparing them to learn and explore the world.

Specific language development and practical experiences in Science will enable children to become scientists in the classroom, using the scientific skills to help them recall and use learnt information in contexts in and outside of the classroom. The challenges in Science will support children’s growth mindset as they become resilient in making mistakes, finding solutions and questioning the world around them. By equipping children with the scientific skills required to understand the uses and implications of science through skill-based lessons, we aim to inspire their love for science and prepare them for life in an increasingly Scientific and Technological world. As well as the prospects it holds for them in the future in relation to adulthood and prospective jobs regardless of gender and ethnicity.

Subject leader promise

I am Mrs Ash the Science leader at Alexandra Infants School and I want to share with you my promise for the children as we develop their love and enjoyment of the subject. My promise for our children is for them to enjoy high quality science opportunities that give them the understanding of the relevance of science in the wider world and in their own experiences.

I have worked on developing a curriculum that shows progression throughout the school, beginning with the early years. Introducing them to simple experiments in which they can apply the scientific skills through the use of the discover dog, who follows us through to year 2. In key stage 1 we promote science being taught as practically as possible, with subject specific knowledge and vocabulary at the heart of each lesson. We have ensured our curriculum shows a progression of knowledge in which the scientific skills can be developed further and provide challenge to all.

I am passionate about demonstrating to our children that anyone of them can be a scientist and exposing them to the different career paths Science can lead to. We are keen for them to be explore and be inspired by science.

Topic floor books celebrate the work that the children take part in and enable me to carefully monitor the quality of the Science curriculum.

Science Curriculum

The national curriculum for science aims to ensure that all pupils:

– develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics

– develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them

– are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future

Our school uses the Alexandra Promise that supports the Science curriculum by providing children with activities such as:

· Discover a pond

· Write a weather report

· Bake a cake

· Be a nature detective

· Start a vegetable patch

· Start a collection and share it with your class

· Make some biscuits

· Make and taste chapatti

· Record different sounds and ask others to guess what they are

· Plant some bulbs and watch them grow

· Go on an autumn walk and make leaf rubbings

· Make a paper boat and see if it floats

· Hunt a mini beast

· Hatch a chick


Educational experience:

Children access a range of cross curricular experiences though out their time at Alexandra Infants School. During Nursery they visit a farm to investigate different animals, their babies and their environment. During Reception the children go on environment walks and look at the changes of the seasons. During year 1 the children go to Longton Park to search for local flowers and trees to research. During year 2 children have visitors to class including a parent and baby as a part of their growing up topic.


Curriculum Documents:

Science Curriculum Overview

Long Term Plan- EYFS

Vertical Progression

Long Term Plan 2023 – 2024 science

Long Term Plan – EYFS

Vertical progression 23 24

Working Scientifically- skills progression 23 24

Working Scientifically- Skills Progression

Science Long Term Plan – Year 1

Science Long Term Plan – Year 2

Science Policy


Science Long Term Plan- Year One 2023-2024