Geography Vision
At Alexandra Infants’ our challenge curriculum is designed to develop a sense of local and global location and appreciation of similarities and differences across the world. We aim to inspire a lifelong love of learning and making links across the curriculum, their personal lives and the wider world. We use questions to begin our lessons to elicit children’s thoughts and feelings and, where appropriate, use these ideas to lead learning.
The children access a range of visits, visitors and wow events in school to launch or apply learning in different contexts. We provide opportunities to develop simple fieldwork skills and apply them, initially within the school grounds progressing through Normacot and Longton to comparing a seaside location and Stoke on Trent. We provide a language rich learning environments to encourage and develop communication skills.
Subject Leader Promise:
My name is Mrs Heath and I am the geography subject leader at Alexandra Infants’ school. My promise to our pupils is to ensure that they all understand their place in the world and know where they come from.
I have worked hard to develop a curriculum that is interesting, builds on prior learning and enables children to retrieve and apply previously taught skills. The curriculum is relevant to all our pupils as it starts out in the Early Years thinking about their home and the street that they live on, progressing to Year 2 where the pupils compare the UK to a non-European country, in our school we study Pakistan.
I am passionate about linking the geography curriculum to current global topics such climate change and recycling and its impact on our world. Teaching the children about how we can help by making small changes for a wider global impact, developing the children’s cultural capital.
Topic floor books celebrate the work that the children take part in and enable me to carefully monitor the quality of the geography curriculum.
Link Governor: Mr A Powell.
Geography Curriculum:
At Alexandra Infants’, the geography curriculum is split into topics. These topics ensure that the children gain the common body of knowledge set out by the national curriculum. Our school uses the Alexandra Promise that supports the geography curriculum by providing children with activities such as:
- Look at a map and find where you live
- Discover a pond
- Walk to a local landmark
- Roll down a hill
- Climb up a huge hill
- Write a weather report
- Take a trip to the seaside or walk alongside a river
Educational Experiences
Fieldwork is an integral part of the geography curriculum and the visits enrich a child’s experience of a particular topic and/ or concept. We include as many opportunities as we can to include enquiry into our topics to enhance learning. These are some of the activities that our children have had the opportunity to experience:
– Local area walks to create maps.
– Visits to farms to compare countryside.
– Visits to Chester Zoo to look at animals and landscapes from different continents
Curriculum Documents:
Geography Curriculum Overview
Geography Vertical Progression
Geography Policy