

The age range of our children is 3-7 years. Stoke-on-Trent Council is the admissions authority for the academy.


Admission arrangements for Alexandra Infants’ school cover 2024 – 2025. The intended admissions limit for 2025 – 2026 into each year group is 60.

This number may only be exceeded if it does not contravene School Premises Regulations and the Headteacher can assure Governors that this would not affect the efficiency of education in any way.

In the event of over subscription the following criteria would apply:

  1. Children in the care of the local authority and children who were previously looked after but ceased to be so because they were adopted (or became subject to a child arrangements order or special guardianship order).
  1. Children living within the catchment who have an elder brother or sister at the schools who will still be attending at the time of admission (or at the linked junior school in the case of infant schools).
  1. Other children living within the catchment.
  1. Children living outside the catchment who have an elder brother or sister at the schools who will still be attending at the time of admission (or at the linked junior school in the case of infant schools).
  1. Children who live nearest to the schools as determined by a straight line measurement from the child’s home address point to the main entrance of the schools.

We have one admission a year in September.

Children will be admitted to the school either via the nursery or straight into reception class.

A nursery place will be offered to pupils who reach the age of 4 years (provided there is a place available) by the end of the current academic year. (The admissions limit for Nursery is 39)

All children who reach the age of 5 years by the end of the current academic year will be offered a reception class place provided there is a place available.

Admission into Reception classes from own our nursery will take place at the beginning of September depending on the age/maturity of the child.

Transfer from Reception into Year 1 (Key Stage 1) will be in September only.

Parents wishing to apply for a place at our school should contact the Office and complete the relevant admission forms. Office staff can advise on places available and what to do next if we are unable to offer a place for your child.
Parents are able to find out further details of school admissions arrangements through our New Guild Trust Policy.