Early Years

EYFS Vision

At Alexandra Infants School we believe in playful learning and recognise the importance of this in child development. The overall aims of our curriculum are to ensure that children experience many opportunities to develop their understanding of their environment and wider world. Our curriculum equips children with key skills that will enable them to be effective lifelong learners.

Our curriculum goals for our children are to ensure that by the end of the Early Years the children are happy, feel safe, can communicate effectively, can read and write confidently, understand numbers and use them to solve problems, are curious about the world and use many techniques to represent their ideas.

Subject Leader Promise

My name is Miss Smith and I am passionate about leading this stage of your child’s learning journey and I thank you for choosing our school. I recognise the privilege that we have in being your child’s first experience of school. Knowing that this is the very start of your child’s journey into education I and the team of EYFS staff work hard to make memorable experiences so that children enjoy coming to school. We treat everyone fairly and show kindness to all pupils in our care. Securing a strong start and firm foundations is key and know that by working in partnership with parents our children get off to the very best start. I want children to recognise their worth and know themselves as individuals. I want them to be ambitious for themselves and each other. I want them to understand that by working hard they can be anything and achieve everything that they set their minds to. As a team we work hard to ensure that all children are the best they can possibly be.

EYFS curriculum

Through effective relationships we place the children at the heart of our practice. We start with what our children can do and carefully establish small steps to move learning forward. We focus first on prime areas and then extend into the specific areas of learning. We respect individuality and praise them for their effort. Our adults teach using a range of approaches to ensure that children are enthusiastic and provide an enabling environment that support autonomy in learning. Our day is carefully planned to that there is a balance of direct teaching and child initiated learning. Threaded throughout our curriculum is the love of reading and there are key class texts that have been carefully selected so that they are rich and varied. We teach phonics in both nursery and reception. Good listening skills and oral segmenting and blending are secured in nursery and starting from the very beginning of reception we teach phonics using Anima Phonics. We capture significant moments as part of our assessment processes, we focus on adults being in provision providing excellent modelling and maintaining high quality interactions. They teach explicit vocabulary in meaningful ways and use adaptive teaching approaches to rehearse and embed key skills.

Educational Experiences

· Educational visits such as farms, zoos and local area walks.

· Educational visitors to school such as fireman, the animal man and dentists.

· Curriculum activities such as baking, making pizzas and hot chocolate.

· World Book Day.

· Parental workshops – phonics, maths, Christmas crafts, D&T.

Curriculum Documents:

Nursery Long Term Plan 2023 2024

Reception Long Term Plan 2023-2024

EYFS Policy
New Guild Trust EYFS Policy