PSHE Vision

At Alexandra Infants School our children come from an array of communities and backgrounds. Our curriculum is designed to give children opportunities to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.

We work towards helping children understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. We provide children with opportunities for them to learn about rights and responsibilities and appreciate what it means to be a member of a diverse society.

We use the Jigsaw curriculum to cover all areas of a child’s personal, social and emotional development from being me, celebrating differences, to looking at their dreams and goals. As well as being and staying healthy, positive relationships and how they themselves change and grow.

Subject leader promise

I am Miss Davenport the PSHE leader at Alexandra Infants School and I want to share with you my promise for the children as we teach the children to become independent, responsible members of our community who have an awareness of right and wrong. Within the curriculum, the teaching of PSHE equips pupils to leave primary education with a solid understanding of social skills, moral beliefs, sex education and radicalisation. The Government has committed to making the health education and relationships education/RSE aspects of PSHE compulsory from September 2020 and we will strive to meet all aspects of the PSHE curriculum.

PSHE Curriculum

We use the Jigsaw curriculum to show progression throughout the school, beginning with the early years. Introducing them to the 6 topics: being me, celebrating differences, goals and dreams, healthy me, relationships and changing me.

Topic floor books celebrate the work that the children take part in and enable me to carefully monitor the quality of the PSHE curriculum.

Our school promotes the use of the Alexandra Promise that supports the PSHE curriculum by providing children with activities such as:

· Visit a place of worship

· Hatch a chick

· Take part in a play day

· Perform in front of your class

· Plan a party

· Play a board game

Educational experience:

Children access a range of cross curricular experiences though out their time at Alexandra Infants School. During Nursery they learn about taking care of themselves and have visits from the nurse and a dentist. During Reception the children learn about people who help us and have visitors from the police (and their dog!) and fire service (including the fire engine!) During year 1 the children take part in a visitor to a place of worship and learn about other cultures. During year 2 children have visitors to class including a parent and baby as a part of their growing up topic.

During the school year we invite parents to numerous workshop in relation to growth mindset, e-safety etc and encourage parents into our school. We celebrate children’s achievements each week in assembly and welcome families in to celebrate special occasions such as Eid, Christmas and mother’s day.


Curriculum Documents:


PSHE Curriculum Overview
PSHE Vertical Progression
Alexandra Infants Junior Policy RSE PSHE