PE Vision
P.E is taught at Alexandra Infant school, as a basis for lifelong learning, where the children have access to a wide range of activities that are accessed during both the school day, as part of the curriculum and also before and after school, as part of our wider opportunities.
PE at Alexandra Infant School aims to develop a fun, energetic high-quality physical education curriculum that helps to encourage and inspire all pupils to succeed and excel to the best of their own abilities in both competitive sports and other physically-demanding activities. We aim to provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their fitness and overall health. Our children will have opportunities to compete in a number of different sport and other extra-curricular activities that help to build character and embed values such as teamwork, fairness, respect and camaraderie.
PE at Alexandra Infants is such an important part of the curriculum, which helps to develop a need for a healthy life styles, a balanced diet, positive growth mind-set and the resilience to persevere with activities that were once deemed too difficult. Together as a team, we are passionate about the need to encourage and model with the children, how to cooperate and collaborate with others, work as part of a team, help them to understanding what is fair and to endeavour to embed life-long values.
Subject Leader promise:
My name is Mrs Decicco and I am the PE subject leader at Alexandra Infants’ school. I am passionate about the subject and have been from an early age. As a youngster, I participated in a variety of sports including hockey, swimming and football. As part of my degree, I gained a variety of coaching badges that enable myself to share my love of sport with both children and adults. My promise to our children is to ensure that there is equal opportunity for all. Each child at our school is inspired to partake in physical activity and to develop a lifelong interest to establish a healthy lifestyle.
Our curriculum has been developed so that all children can develop fundamental movement skills e.g. agility, balance and coordination despite their starting points. They are also able to participate in competitive situations both on an individual and team basis. They gain valuable experience and are introduced to a variety of team and individual sports and activities including, cricket, handball, dance, health related exercise and gymnastics. The curriculum has been developed so that it builds on prior learning and enables children to retrieve and apply previously taught skills. Weekly PE sessions, help the children understand the need to for a healthy lifestyle. They are able to see the benefits of taking part in regular exercise. They see the importance not only how sport and exercise helps to improve fitness, maintain a healthy weight and reduce stress but also helps to promote comradery, self-discipline and equality for all.
Throughout the year, external coaches are employed by the school to help organized games and activities for the children to participate in both before school and during lunch times. With support from the coaches, the children are able to develop their own leadership skills which allows the pupils to embed values such as fairness, respect and teamwork. Every year, a dance teacher is employed to enable children at school to participate in a dance show that over 60 other schools also take part in. Performances allow the children and their close family celebrate the work that they take part in and enable me to carefully monitor the quality of the PE curriculum.
Link Governor: Mrs J Gilson.
PE Curriculum:
At Alexandra Infants’, the PE curriculum is split into sports or physical activities. The different areas ensure that the children gain the common body of knowledge set out by the national curriculum. The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
· develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
· are physically active for sustained periods of time
· engage in competitive sports and activities
· lead healthy, active lives
Our school develop the skills of the whole child and these are threaded throughout the PE curriculum with a particular focus on Keeping Healthy! Alongside this is our Alexandra Promise that supports the PE by providing children with activities such as:
· Have a teddy bears picnic and taste new fruit.
· Perform a dance
· Roll down a hill
· Join an extra-curricular club
· Perform in front of your class
· Build a den
· Climb up a huge hill
Educational Experiences
The children at Alexandra Infants are able to access a variety of extra-curricular activities through the academic year. Some of the activities that our children have had the opportunity to experience:
· City 7s Scheme
· The Victoria Hall Dance Show
· Athletes Visit and Sponsored event.
· Treat day activities e.g. Scooter Fun
· Swimming
· Before/ after school and lunchtimes sports clubs led by specialised sports coaches.
· Basic first aid and CPR for Year 2 pupils
· Inter sport and Intra sporting competition
Curriculum Documents:
PE Curriculum Overview
PE Vertical Progression
PE Long Term Plan
PE Policy