Music Vision
At Alexandra Infants’ School it is our intent that we make music an enjoyable learning experience. We encourage all children to participate and be involved in a variety of musical experiences aiming to build up the confidence of all children. Our teaching focuses on developing the children’s ability to understand rhythm and follow a beat. Through singing songs, children learn about the structure and organisation of music. We teach them to listen and to appreciate different forms of music. Children develop descriptive language skills in music lessons when learning about how music can represent different feelings, emotions and narratives. We also teach technical vocabulary such as volume, pitch, beat and rhythm and encourage children to discuss music using these terms
Subject leader promise:
My name is Mrs Beech-Daly and I am the music subject leader at Alexandra Infant’s School. My promise is to inspire and motivate children through their love of music. Music is a unique way of communicating and can play an important part in personal development of individuals.
Music reflects culture and society, and so the teaching and learning of music enables children to better their understanding of the world they live in. We provide children with opportunities to be creative, to perform and to enjoy music such as taking part in whole school performances, taking part in theme days linked to culture and being able to enjoy listening to musicians who come to perform in our school.
I am passionate about making music an enjoyable experience for all children and for children to be able to express themselves. I aim to build up the confidence of all children through singing songs, playing instruments, performing to others and listening and appreciating different styles of music.
Music Curriculum:
At Alexandra Infant’s School we follow the Charanga scheme of work. The topics ensure that the children gain the common body of knowledge set out by the national curriculum. Our Alexandra Promise that supports the music curriculum by providing children with activities such as:
· Record different sounds and ask others to guess what they are
· Put on a puppet show
· Perform in front of your class
· Learn a French song
Educational Experiences:
We believe that music enriches the lives of people, and so we wish to involve as many children as possible in musical opportunities. We enhance the children’s learning through class/year group performances and outside visitors such as Key Strings who are a group of musicians who come to perform to the children. The Year 2 children have also recently taken part in an African Drumming day where they were able to play lots of different instruments, dance and sing songs to perform to parents and the rest of the school.
Curriculum Documents:
Music Curriculum Overview
Music Vertical Progression
Music Policy