English Vision

We understand that our children start school with limited language, communication and vocabulary skills. Our English curriculum is designed to efficiently develop these skills, fostering a love of reading for all children and to engage them in language rich, high quality texts.

We strongly believe that all children have the ability to be confident speakers and through a range of engaging speaking and listening activities, aim for all children to excel in this area.

We intend for all children to read deeply for pleasure regularly. Passion for reading is something that is demonstrated daily through engaging children in a wide range of texts and authors. We believe that this unlocks children’s creativity and imagination allowing them to write purposefully and artistically.

We aim to promote a love for literacy and provide children with a wide range of skills that they can not only apply across the curriculum but for use in later life and adulthood. We believe that all children should be aware of the importance of literacy and encourage them to understand that literacy skills underpin all areas of the curriculum.

Subject Leader promise

My name is Miss Davenport and I am the English subject leader at Alexandra Infants’ school. My promise to our children is to foster a love of reading and writing and to be immersed in a language rich environment.

Our curriculum is designed to develop the required skills and encourage all children to become independent and confident learners. Our children deserve to be exposed to a range of high quality, creative and engaging texts and I believe that story time is a core part to the English curriculum.

I am passionate about all children having equal opportunities to access a wide range of literacy skills that underpin many life skills for children to use in later life. Our children will have the chance to demonstrate these through a range of speaking and listening activities, drama, narrative and non-fiction writing and reading comprehension activities.

Link Governor: Mrs N Din

English curriculum 
Our English Curriculum has been carefully designed, planned and organised to ensure breadth, balance and depth for every learner at Alex Infants’, irrelevant of their age or ability. When planning our curriculum all teaching staff were involved and after analysing our children’s learning needs we tailored an English curriculum around high quality texts that have been carefully selected to ensure that they engage all pupils. The texts chosen have a direct link to developing the understanding of story structures, language patterns and story book vocabulary. In Key Stage 1 we use a differentiated text approach to ensure that all children are able to access the class text phonetically decodable level linked to individual assessment.
Educational Experiences 
All visits and in school activities are linked to the English curriculum.

Curriculum Documents:

English Long Term Plan

English Policy 
Handwriting Policy
Spelling Policy

Approach to Early Writing

Presentation and Marking Policy
Phonics and Grammar expectations