Computing Vision
At Alexandra Infants’ School we ensure that all pupils are provided with the tools to meet age related expectations. We aim to excite, inspire and engage young children in positive and inclusive learning opportunities. Our computing curriculum is supplemented through a nationally accredited scheme of work from the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) and provides all pupils with opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of computing systems and networks; programming; creating media; and data and information. Pupils also learn about online safety which is vital in this technological age.
The curriculum is sequenced as a progression model, ensuring a clear path of progression in skill development across the whole school. This enables pupils to develop skills over a longer period of time, thus encouraging them to know and remember more.
In line with the school development plan, the practice of oracy is also interwoven into lessons in order to promote opportunities for speaking and listening.
Computing subject leader promise
My name is Mrs Heath and I am the Computing subject leader at Alexandra Infants’ School. My promise to the children is to support them in becoming problem solvers and developing computational thinking so as to enable them to be as fully equipped as possible to engage with current and emerging technologies in the modern technological world.
I have worked hard alongside the staff in finding and developing a curriculum that is interesting, builds on prior learning and enables children to retrieve and apply previously taught skills. We use the nationally recognised scheme of work provided by the National Centre for Computing Education (NCCE) to ensure pupils receive a high standard of computing education. Pupils are also made aware of the opportunities for STEM related careers.
I am passionate about using technology to promote learning and sharing experiences through various learning and social media platforms; from the work that went into making learning accessible by developing our remote learning practice during the global pandemic and now blended learning in other subject areas through the use of technology. At Alexandra Infants’ we use social media such as Facebook to celebrate our pupils and their achievements at school, and we use Class Dojo to celebrate successes in school as well as keep connected with parents.
Our computing floor book celebrates the work that pupils take part in and enables me to carefully monitor the quality of the computing curriculum.
Computing Curriculum
At Alexandra Infants’, the computing curriculum is split into topics. These topics ensure that the children gain the knowledge set out by the national curriculum.
Alongside this is our Alexandra Promise that supports our children’s educational experiences. Within the Alexandra promise, children will learn computing skills such as taking a picture, recording sounds using different recording devices and even learning a song in a different language. Children will learn how to use different medias in order to enhance their experiences whilst learning with us at Alexandra Infants’ School.
Our computing curriculum also links to the British values as follows;
- Computing & ICT supports spiritual development by looking at how Computing & ICT can bring rapid benefits to discussions and tolerance to an individual’s beliefs. However, children are also exposed to the limitations and abuse of the internet where they question and justify the aims, values and principles of their own and others’ belief systems.
- Computing & ICT supports moral development by looking at how Computing & ICT developments have had an impact on the environment as technology has meant that old ways of working have been changed to help the environment.
- Computing & ICT supports social development by completing of group work within lessons as well as practical tasks. Children are required to understand about social media and the advantages these sites have brought as well as the numerous problems such as cyber bullying.
- The development in technology has impacted different cultures and backgrounds in different ways. More developed countries are able to keep pace with the developments in technology whilst less developed ones can’t.
Educational Visits.
Pupils access a range of cross curricular experiences throughout their time at Alexandra Infants School. In the Early Years Foundation Stage pupils are able to take pictures using an iPad during environmental and local area walks, and in Key Stage 1 pupils have opportunities to use technology within the wider curriculum. All pupils have access to software which they can use from home such as Numbots and TT Rock Stars. As a school we also join in with the annual national safer internet day, in which pupils learn about how to stay safe when using the internet.
Curriculum Documents:
Computing Curriculum Overview
Computing Vertical Progression
Computing AIS and AJS Policy